Our Organisation

Welcome to Concord West Preschool

Upon enrolment, families pay an association fee ($10), enabling them to become a member of Concord West Rhodes Inc Association.

Our Committee

A committee of parents elected from the parent body governs the preschool. We are licensed and funded by the New South Wales Department of Education and Communities (DEC) to accomodate 40 children per day. The children are aged 3 to 5. There is a long waiting list for places, which are allocated according to the guidelines. Priority is given to 4 year old children, children of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin and low economic need families according to the guidelines stipulated by State Government funding models.

Committee Positions


Chairs all meetings and ensures that minutes are read and confirmed.

Vice President

Assists the President and chairs meetings in their absence.


Works with Administration to ensure financial records are up to date, arranges for an auditor's report and an annual report of the financial position, and the budget. Reports to the management committee a monthly financial report.

Asst. Treasurer

 Assists the Treasurer and takes over in their absence.


Notifies the members and parents of meetings, keeps minutes and attendance records, handles correspondence.

Asst. Secretary

Assists the Secretary and prepares the preschool newsletter and takes over in their absence.

Social Secretary

Organises and books social functions and fundraising activities, liaises with all members of the committee and parents.

Asst. Social Secretary

Assists the Social Secretary and takes over in their absence.

General Committee Positions

Members are elected to assist with the work of the committee and to take on special tasks during the year. These positions focus on fundraising and social events as well as liaising with council on behalf of the service.

Another important role of the committee is to keep other parents informed of events that are happening at the preschool and be involved. Members also assist with application of grants for additional funding.
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