Please ensure your child washes their hands with soapy water on arrival at preschool and when they leave preschool. This helps in infection control.
The preschool cannot provide care for contagious or sick children. When a child is kept at home by a parent/carer due to an infectious illness, the preschool is to be notified by phone as soon as possible. Staff can provide more information about infectious diseases.
If children have had symptoms of any viral infection, eg. temperature, vomiting, diarrhoea, they cannot attend school for 24 hours.
If children have head lice, they cannot attend preschool until the head lice has been treated.
Other parents are notified of the presence of an infectious illness at the preschool by means of a photocopy of relevant pages from "Keeping Healthy in Childcare" which is displayed on the parent notice board.
A copy of your child's immunisation record is needed prior to enrolment. Under the NSW Public Health Act 2010, parents must provide either:
An Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR) Immunisation History Statement that shows that their child's immunisations are up to date.
An Immunisation History Form (IMMU13) that shows that their child is on a catch up schedule.
If your child is to be absent due to holidays etc., it is important to notify the preschool on the parent line.