Welcome to Concord West Preschool

We are a community based, not-for-profit preschool that thrives on parental involvement in management and daily activities.


The preschool operates 8.00 am to 3:30pm, Monday to Friday.


There are 4 terms per year, following the NSW schools calendar.


Two groups of 40 children attend across 2 classrooms: One for our Monday Tuesday program and the other for our Wednesday, Thursday, Friday program.

Our Program

The preschool is designed in a way that fosters a concurrent indoor/outdoor program filled with play choices to stimulate all of the multiple intelligence's.

We provide a program of PLAY.

Play is how children learn. Play is the work of children. It allows them the opportunity to experiment with the world around them and discover the emotional world inside them. Play is the vehicle that leads them to discover, solve problems, and connect with their world and the people in it. Play is the essential building block for the foundations of all later learning. We advocate PLAY for preschoolers. We provide a mixture of play, choices, self help skills, routines and group times to continue the journey of ‘school readiness’ that has been undertaken since birth.

Children possess great potential & energy

They are naturally curious. They benefit most when given the opportunity to experiment, discover, dream, imagine and express their original ideas in a free and open environment, where the individual and his or her contributions are highly cherished. We believe that The Early Years Learning Framework, Belonging Being Becoming supports the whole child. At our centre, this is blended with an Emergent Curriculum where educators follow the interests of the children along with family and community happenings. Our curriculum also adopts the Munch & Move program, sustainable practices and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives. We pride ourselves on highly qualified and dedicated educators who constantly seek self improvement through professional development. Their expertise and interests also make up a component of our preschool program, with the support of sensory processing tools.

We value sustainable practices and encourage children always to connect with their natural world

We value sustainable practices and encourage children always to connect with their natural world,  specifically the traditional land that the preschool is situated on – Wangal land. We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land, the Wangal people of the Dharug nation, daily, and work diligently in caring for and respecting the land, plants, animals and peoples on it.

Natural spaces are evident in the playground with sand pits, a rock stream, grass hills, a vegetable garden, compost bins, worm farms, pot plants and a mud pit garden. Children are encouraged to sort their waste and recycle and re-use. The preschool offers water in play. We conserve water through specifically designed tap ware, dual flushing for toilets and a water tank. Children recycle trough water to garden beds.
We celebrate diversity...

by inviting each family to share their cultural heritage and any other gifts they may have. We are proud of our relationships with families and our rich parent involvement program.
We welcome the inclusion of all children and work at breaking down barriers....

to include additional needs within our entire program. We access extra funding to provide an extra educator to support these children and their families.
We create trust by listening empathically...

to every kind of emotion that the children present to us and helping them to identify these and express them appropriately. We meet children’s attachment needs of protection, nourishment and nurturing. This will enable them to create a resilient and healthy template for the rest of their lives.

What We Do...

- Our program develops multiple intelligences
- We have at least 40 different activity choices each day
- The children have story time and music/ news daily
- Children take part in an acknowledgement to country each day during our meeting time
- The children draw and write a story each day to add to their      storybook
- The children have daily self help routines and are encouraged to solve problems
- The children can choose to play in the garden, playground or classroom
- Children have a choice of whether to rest or not with yoga and relaxation offered as an alternative
- We observe and program for children daily
- Children’s profile and work books are at preschool for parents to look through at any time
- Children take home their storybook, painting book and profile folder at the end of the year
- We have 3 external excursions and 5 in-house visitors per year
- We have special family and multicultural events: Welcome picnic and - Aboriginal Smoking Ceremony; Get to know you morning teas; Mothers, Aunties and Grandmothers night; Fathers, Uncles and Grandfathers Night; Yarn Times; Movie night; and End of Year Party
- We share family culture and celebrations through news time and our parent involvement program
- We provide a wide variety of occupational therapy tools and activities that support children’s health and wellbeing
- We have a multicultural program where:
        - We greet each other using different languages
        - We sing songs in different languages
        - We have a large collection of books in different languages

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